Fabulous Tulle Skirt

Fabulous Tulle Skirt


Full length 9 layer tulle skirt. Elastic waist. Made with soft bridal tulle. 

Ways to wear.....Waist band can be Worn as is or belted. Also you can turn waistband inward which creates a puffier effect. To make skirt fuller and puffier grab the last inside layer from the hem and pull up over all layers and tuck into waist band. This can be done once in the front middle or twice either side of skirt. Also if skirt does drag on floor, it can be easily trimmed with sharp scissors. 

Dry Clean Only. Best not to wash with water as each time you wash tulle it becomes softer and softer losing its stiffness which creates fullness and puffiness. 

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Puff Tulle Skirt


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